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HOLOCAUST PHOTOS CONFIRMED FAKE Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 11:41:28 Id: 9db662 [Preview] No. 84228
In this video, Anne Frank's sister tells how the soviet government made counterfeit photos of the "death camps" many years after those camps were supposedly liberated.

In this video, Vladimir Putin tells a room full of rabbis that the soviet government, which made those fake photos of the death camps, was primarily jewish.

Anonymous 03/15/2021 (Mon) 23:06:38 Id: c63a05 [Preview] No.84236 del
Well shit, we knew that already.

Anonymous 03/31/2021 (Wed) 23:04:12 Id: 5f83da [Preview] No.84347 del
>thinking we dont know already

Anonymous 04/01/2021 (Thu) 21:56:48 Id: 1e2d1f [Preview] No.84354 del
Like obvs it's all bullshit.
But just saying.. in case you try this shit on normalfags.. The exitence of fake evidence doesn't mean an absence of real evidence.
It's better to focus on the absence of any real forensic evidence of the gorillion.

Anonymous 04/02/2021 (Fri) 09:08:17 Id: c63a05 [Preview] No.84371 del
(467.05 KB 1124x2697 JIDF.jpg)
The fact that kikes had to keep making up ridiculous fake claims is one important side of the coin that raises red flags. Even for normies it will raise suspicion. I know because I was an indoctrinated normie years ago. Then what follows is the rest of the details, but only if the individual does not have a drop of stubborn jewish blood which would cause them to plug their ears and scream obscenities as JIDF tend to do. The details I mentioned can be found here: https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com

Anonymous 04/19/2021 (Mon) 20:58:24 Id: 17ee02 [Preview] No.84496 del

Anonymous 08/09/2022 (Tue) 21:39 Id: fe65b7 [Preview] No.88113 del

Anonymous 08/11/2022 (Thu) 12:48 Id: 1b1358 [Preview] No.88131 del
Americans scream that the only reason the US is Communist now is because of illegal immigrants, but are the fake Conservatives who flipped and support welfare, tyranny, debt, and wars blameless?

Anonymous 08/11/2022 (Thu) 13:10 Id: 728c08 [Preview] No.88132 del
Holocaust deprograming course link is dead.
I posted archive.ph link in case someone would pass by

Anonymous 08/11/2022 (Thu) 20:45 Id: ca9d58 [Preview] No.88134 del
Yes it's unfortunate the kikes got to it, but not surprising. If you're trying to wake someone up in a hurry without triggering their mentally conditioned Pavlovian response, try >>>/polfornormies/2

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 12:34 Id: 23bac7 [Preview] No.89087 del
everybody is believing in just holocaust denial, while I just accept that they did it and it was prideful of themselves.

Anonymous 10/21/2022 (Fri) 22:55 Id: ca9d58 [Preview] No.89088 del
Holocaust "denial" does not exist. You can't deny something that never happened. Now. Who did what? Be specific.

Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 07:18 Id: d2c895 [Preview] No.89166 del
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HH dubs checked and Heil'd


Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 07:22 Id: d2c895 [Preview] No.89167 del
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Filthy Jews!
We need to come back from the future and completely annihilate every last stinking kike
Scorched Earth Policy

Anonymous 10/27/2022 (Thu) 18:03 Id: ca9d58 [Preview] No.89169 del
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Time travel would be a great option. Though if time travel existed, capeshit would exist. Then send capeshits back to assist the one and only Führer. It's all a fantasy world. The MKUltra (entertainment: movies, shows) wool pulled over our eyes to delude us into thinking we may achieve greatness without acknowledging the weakness of our mortality. Women are more often indoctrinated by such form of entertainment in modern times. So now our average social structures are often led by women. The higher authority social structures (mass media, social media, government) are led by jews. Thus with this infiltration, everything is weak.

The saddest part is: We can only dream up fantasies to combat ZOG's overwhelming control. I can think of no solutions grounded in reality.

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 08:28 Id: d9b00f [Preview] No.89171 del
>I can think of no solutions grounded in reality.

The jewish rats and their cohort cannot be fully exterminated, that is the basic problem....too many of them, too much infiltration, they are embedded in societies like ticks

The world is fully kiked!
A breakaway civilisation is the only answer I can think of

Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 08:42 Id: d9b00f [Preview] No.89172 del
many kikes in star trek:
every time!

"performers Bill Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and Walter Koenig, as well as producers Robert Justman, Herb Solow and Fred Freiberger and too many writers to name were all fellow tribesmen"


uuugh..I feel dirty and unclean after visiting that kike site

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 22:52 Id: 0c5cbb [Preview] No.89226 del
Time Travel is a technology worth pursuing, imagine if we developed it.

We could escape into the past and create a better future, one were the NSDAP was victorious in WW2.

How? By getting America into the war against the axis early.

There's this historical theory that if we were to prevent the Titanic from sinking then the USA would've entered the war along with the other allied powers, rather than sitting it out for a time until Pearl Harbor.

This simple change would mean that America would not be the military powerhouse that it was, and without that full might behind the western allies, the Germans would've cleared up the West a lot quicker, there'd be no D-Day, and then they could focus a lot more on the Eastern front of the war.

The Soviets were running full steam with a tank that was almost dry, the leaders would never surrender, but it wouldn't take long for the people to turn against their masters and actually help the Germans to victory.

Tis was an idea that was made popular by mathew patrick on youtube in his shitty series, everything in his videos is stolen BTW.

Another move would be to give the victory to the South in the American civil war, Abraham Lincoln was the first bad president because he ignored the founding documents recognition of the the state's rights to vacate the union, and by doing that you undermine the strength of the USA before WW2 breaks out, in so doing you achieve much the same effect.

Alternatively, go back all the way to ancient Iraq and Egypt, preventing the Jews from coming into existence and destroying the first great civilization, forming an alliance between the two "cradle" civilizations of the fertile crescent, and keeping the MENA regions to remain the exclusive territories of White and Aryan Men. You'd also be preventing the origin of the arab race as well.

We could empower this empire to dominate the entire planet and make the whole world into just one race, the White Aryan race.

Time Travel is unironically a technology we should be developing, from what I've seen it a lot more possible and a lot more achievable than you might think it is at first glance, at least from the current understanding of the science around it, either we invent the more powerful technology in human history or we completely overturn physics with our discoveries, either way its a win.

The only thing we need to do is ,establish ourselves a dogma that we are working under the assumption that it is possible for human beings to move backwards in time, and that all we need to do is figure out a way to make it happen for ourselves.

We must also establish the dogma that there are no such things as paradoxes of causality, nor any risks relating to causality, this is because we could solve any problem not relating to causal paradoxes, for example, sending someone back in time might plant them out in the middle of outer space, we can avoid that by first making it so that we move them in the spacial dimension as well as in the temporal one, and second, we can map out the adjustments we'd need to make by sending out some sort of measuring device back in time by very miniscule amounts (approaching planck time), then having our past selves measure out the position that the device ended up in against the position it was sent from, and with that we can calculate the differences we should expect from the pattern our measurements would've established. From there we know what adjustments to posotion in space we would need to make to ensure that the traveller shows up where they should with respect to the Earth.

We could start easy by sending back information into the past, find ways to send our time travellers back in time to a point before the machine was created (possibly by harnessing some cosmic phenomena that is still around despite having existed since the time we want to send our traveler back to), and so on.

At the very worst we end up just corroborating the state of modern physics, which is a great achievement in itself, especially given the current state of monolithic aca

Anonymous 11/07/2022 (Mon) 23:22 Id: ca9d58 [Preview] No.89231 del
I would suggest, as modern public shooters are not doing, to engage in better optics than vaguely killing some of the enemy. Such as ensuring Operation Long Jump was successful instead of a dismal failure. That was the planned assassination of Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt. Not only that, pin their deaths on jews publicly. Prevent Kennedy's assassination, stop Edward VIII the Duke of Windsor's abdication, kill every single member of Murder Inc. to permit The ANP's rise (prevent GLR's death) and have them team with the Silver Legion of America. Time travel is an extreme hypothetical. You'll find it obvious by these attachments that I've dreamt of it many times (because I was raised with 80s entertainment). It's really just a fictional pipe dream. Who out there is intelligent enough to invent the Flux Capacitor in real life? None yet have.

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 09:58 Id: 2820e2 [Preview] No.89258 del
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>Time Travel

Anonymous 11/12/2022 (Sat) 05:32 Id: ca9d58 [Preview] No.89270 del
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I prefer to suspect the possibility of the relative state ("many worlds") interpretation over paradoxical time travel. Moreso because Hugh Everett the Third who came up with it was rejected by the kikes Niels Bohr and Leon Rosenfeld. As usual, those jews thought they were smarter than everyone else. Hugh then punctured holes in quantum mechanics by revealing paradoxes and a jew named David Deutsch capitalized on (stole) his ideas after Hugh's death. The show Sliders referenced portals or wormholes to these parallel but different dimensions as the "Einstein-Podolsky bridge". Everett should have been given the credit for that, not those two intellectual property stealing jewish twats.

I do not believe time travel to be possible. However, many different realities seems probable. A world where Germany won WW2 and shaped the modern era would of course be the best possible existence. The possibility of creating a device that could allow one to traverse to different realities would require flawless brilliance in both technical and mathematical genius combined with someone who distances themselves from all distractions in the form of entertainment.

What are the chances of such a person existing and us gaining from their discovery? I would theorize it's next to nothing. Neither time travel or parallel universes have been proven or disproven but the sheer chance of anyone being that capable seems empty.

Anonymous 11/14/2022 (Mon) 21:43 Id: 54a92d [Preview] No.89282 del
thats not exciting and predictable, oh, nazis win WW2, even this concept is too mainstream, its been done in media.

Instead I ran several simulations where various ancient civilizations continued to exist for thousands of years (Mesopotamia, Roman, Greek, etc.) with surprising results. In the Roman Timeline, during World War 2 when the Roman Fascist Empire occupies Europe, Hitler was actually a navy captain instead. In the Mesopotamia timeline, Saddam Hussein achieves his dreams of establishing a Mesopotamian themed economic/geopolitical power in the middle east to conquer the world and smash greater israel (but Israel literally has something like the power rangers megazord, and its a very dramatic battle in this alternative timeline, plus they escape to madagascar in an ironic transdimensional-cross timeline meme from our timeline, like how every timeline has a version of Jerry Seinfeld in all civilizations). Greeks as you might imagine are naturally fascist, where in their timeline they establish a beltline empire across europe and asia, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific ocean, going even beyond the dreams of conquest by Alexander, going on to conquer China. So Greek-Chinese people exist in this timeline, and its perhaps one of the most fascinating differences from many of the timelines I explored.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 00:10 Id: 9f865b [Preview] No.89283 del
(200.80 KB 973x784 nazi.jpg)
>not exciting
>Hitler was actually a navy captain
>Israel literally has something like the power rangers megazord
>I ran several simulations
>from many of the timelines I explored
I should've known a theoretical subject such as this would devolve into childish. The rest of us are adults here and this isn't an RPG. If you cringe at the hypothetical of Hitler winning WW2, you're in the wrong place.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 07:58 Id: 54a92d [Preview] No.89287 del
Im not saying the Nazi WW2 timeline is cringe, every timeline has merits and downsides. There's 15 year old strippers in America after they lose and Hitler demands Nazi Circuses and Carnivals everywhere. This is a fair theoretical approximation if you do the research.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 10:34 Id: 9f865b [Preview] No.89288 del
>if you do the research
I am very researched on the topic of Hitler. Underage strippers would not exist in America if Germany won WW2. All degeneracy would have been purged by law. I don't know how you think you're running these "simulations", but you might as well share with the rest of us what you're doing exactly.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 17:10 Id: 54a92d [Preview] No.89289 del
So it would be like an ironic weimar America moment right after they lose, because it would of been a situation of a nation in dire economic circumstances. Adolf Hitler wouldn't of invaded the USA after removing them from Europe. If you think about rationally what the Nazis would of done, they would of fortified Europe and then perhaps maybe in the 1970's or 1980's invade America. Its an interesting scenario to consider because imagine all the different strategies of Nazi navy invasions targetting the East Coast of America. Imagine how intimidating that would of been, Nazi battleships invading the East Coast (with air fighters/bombers, etc.), quite a radically different timeline, none the less having its own value in considering the profound theoretical political insights to military power, geopolitics, and hegemony in society.

Anonymous 11/15/2022 (Tue) 22:23 Id: 9f865b [Preview] No.89290 del
National Socialists didn't even fortify Germany, their borders and coasts. Speaking of simulations, I've ran that scenario of fortifying borders and coasts through Hearts of Iron 4. Germany always wins. They lost because their military was spread too thin.

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 05:39 Id: 9f865b [Preview] No.89308 del
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I'm adding that I've recently read some backwoods articles about the Scole experiment communicating with other dimensions (because of the turn this thread took) but have found not much that is concrete about interdimensional travel. The dipshits who came up with the Scole experiment were using "spirit-mediums" and thought they were talking to the dead. If only some genius would merely create the same communicating device with germanium or carbide and amplify the power to an insane degree enough to rip open a large wormhole. It's apparently safe to travel through one's event horizon.

I don't usually rant about /x/-tier stuff. In fact, I tend to scrutinize anyone who posts it. But I'm fucking sick of this reality.

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 18:59 Id: 098068 [Preview] No.89309 del
>They lost because their military was spread too thin.
Not only that but okw had miserable expectation of wars and armaments, one thing was that okw had talents like walter model, heinz guderian, erwin rommel despite being against NS and second how many they had against the majority of nobility/academy officers who had no particular skills but demanded to be treated as same as those talents just because they are either of blue blood or went from academy. Good example would be ostfront where generals insisted on conventional taking of capital instead of deadly important caucasus or thanks by them almost made a kiev encirclement a only a speculation rather than a biggest encirclement in history
Second thing was about armaments
Yes Hitler despised arms race and wanted disarming but unlike okw and sometimes producers (i look at you ME 262 and pulkzestorer version and stg 44 delays) understood the weapons and metaphysics of them in some way unlike army which was giving ridiculous demands like in case of g 42M which was a result of demands from army, the overcomplicated resource demanding rifle that had also an unneceseary feature.

Anonymous 11/20/2022 (Sun) 19:02 Id: 098068 [Preview] No.89310 del
If someone will ask what was matter with me 262 let me say the myth that hitler delayed it was not true the legendary it should be CAS was out of context where he asked if it can have one of those kits which bf 109s and FW 190s got which permited to carry bombs or rockets
Simply said if its multifunctional jet but producer went full retard and wanted to make a cas version since why not and no one can superwise us anyway

Anonymous 06/06/2023 (Tue) 09:17 Id: 6438a9 [Preview] No.90587 del
If the US government lied about the Iraq war, why would you trust the government about anything else?

Anonymous 06/07/2023 (Wed) 03:15 Id: 9f865b [Preview] No.90589 del
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We don't trust the Zionist Occupied Government, AIDSkike.

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