Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 02:24 No.10263 del
I watched this G1 MLP abridged episode/video today (~85 MB):
The original video source is probably VHS, which is 240p or 360p. Here's a 360p version of that video, for an "authentic feel". Like what that one anon said about the medium or form of some media being related to or a big part of nostalgia.

> nerdy shit
Getting into that:
>The precise output of most invocations is not documented, a knowledge of ZFS internals is assumed.
>zdb is an "offline" tool; it accesses the block devices underneath the pools directly from userspace and does not care if the pool is imported or datasets are mounted (or even if the system understands ZFS at all).
>If the pool has not been imported to the current host, or if there is no zpool cache file on the host for a currently imported pool, use the following command: \ zdb -e <poolname> \ This will provide a very large amount of output. To get the MOS configuration, use the following: \ zdb -eC[C] <poolname>
>the ZFS filesystem has a transaction log and it's continually writing to the transaction log ... the more messed up stuff is it just sort of keeps writing. When something weird happens, when an inconsistency happens, I wish that there was an option to tell ZFS: when any inconsistency is encountered that is unrecoverable to put the filesystem into read-only mode. I see why that's not an option [or default option necessarily because ZFS is designed for] racks and racks and racks of disks and you would never ... you would never necessarily want to take the entire pool offline just because there's one uncorrectable inconsistency. But for small installations where small is say less than 10 hard drives it would be nice if it would go into read-only mode because I think that greatly increases the chances that you'll be able to recover.

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