Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 03:39 No.10267 del
>well I know the ponies look and are stupid

I didn't know that the late CentOS was supported for a decade for each version. I read that someone running CentOS had his computer/server powered on for like 3 years straight (command: uptime or htop).

>Then it is connected to the Internet. If you can log in and browse a normal web page it counts as connected. In which case, a potential security risk. How much? Well, some would say you are screwed and already hacked, but realistically you're probably okay. I mean, some retards still use live discs with default root access and if they survive alright
For years, I always disabled root login in /etc/passwd (setting it to /sbin/nologin or whatever). Thinking of running commands which are ...tee... and stuff. Also thinking of using key-based auth for ssh because it should make rsync over ssh more convenient along with making the system a bit more secure.

Lubuntu 32-bit. I think I posted the exact version before so that hackers can hack me more easily /s. Lubuntu v.19 or something, would have check what I posted before or something. Neat that Debian still supports 32-bit. I hope it is or can be as lightweight as Lubuntu.

>shitpost thread which we dislike
I read in like Desuarchive /meta/ that some person(s) browse 4chan archive websites specifically to read deleted threads because they are "funposts" or whatever. I think someone was automatically mirroring MLP boards, including /pone/; not sure how fast or expansive that effort was/is.