Anon 09/22/2024 (Sun) 06:18 No.11140 del
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Dreams have been... been having a lot, in small bursts, sometimes waking me up every hour or two some nights. Don't have much coherency or theme, even spookiness seems (mostly) absent. Minus something I might save for Nightmare Night.

>Made me think of Blingee, but that basically ended a month or two after
Never know what is vibing through the air.

Thanks for telling me of the FIMcontent there, btw, I like some of these

> So I tried to do and in other case(s) did do some pedo shit in those dreams.
That still feels kind of cursed even if in the confines of ones mind. This is coming from somebody who argues that, while fictional content is not equal to the real thing, it does matter to some level.

>It was more like a feeling of looking around or like understanding a story that you read in a newspaper.
I'd say 50% of my dreams now are sort of like that, usually my POV is outside or partly outside the person that is experiencing the thing.