Anon 09/22/2024 (Sun) 23:47 No.11144 del
Reading some shit - greentexts:
>root CID has indexes:
>[Fluttershy having sex with a bear]
>[Fluttershy having sex with a beaver]
First thought that came to mind was "gross".
>After she finally calmed down, and after assuring her you would keep her secret, she told you that even though interspecies relationships between talking species was widely accepted, relationships between ponies and nonverbal species were still frowned upon.
OK. So ponies have sex with cows, donkeys, zebras, dragons, etc. = "widely accepted".

>ipfs://Qmf6376cQQMZNaHqCsDQNfzrjrdbNb7WttHu1Ux4J5FbEE [ which is the same as http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmfGiwuMqoZsYQymHXzwAR2gZKUopwP9dzEhRikM1wKXJ5/a/root/audio/music/mlp/cupcakes_music_flac/ ]
Duplicated remotely, possibly again (but it has not been duplicated fünfundneunzigmal). A lyric of one of those tracks is something like "Dashie do you have any sickness? Oh wait it won't matter when you're cooked." Sounds true: if somepony was badly ill with the cold/flu it probably wouldn't matter after properly cooking the meat. At that point, grilled meat is grilled meat.

>First time ever watching flyders / trapped in a cave FIM S07 episode was today (
Thoughts on that:
. Pegasus mare doing a salute was cute
. Something like "How is Rainbow Dash so pretty/beautiful?"

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