Anon 07/04/2018 (Wed) 08:29:37 No.1607 del
Upon my personal and very quick investigation I can tell you that this is shitposters trying to have a repeat of the 4th of july raids of 2014. Only 1 account that was recently made is putting out stuff that only has a couple dozens notes at best. Plus one clear puppet that was also made to mindlessly reblog the first one. The tag is hardly active at all for such a planned raid on the scale being talked about.
links to the two main accounts associated with this. Notice that recently liked post from let's end hate?
The account: ask violet twilight sparkle, made that post thee years ago and has not been active for about a year. But this is where things get interesting for me, as things are taking a bit of a /pone/ related edge aren't they? /mlp/ is called out specifically in one of the post and is included in the grand list to attack. not only that, but /mlpol/ is even mentioned. So the shitposters could include /mlp/ in all this I wonder? Though most likely most of the action will be on /b/ and /pol/ there just seems to be a fair bit of references to our fandom that I find things fishy and advise you may want grab a bag of popcorn and be ready if you see this before and if things go down.

Note, was unable to post to /operate earlier for whatever reason, will try again of course, just a little fyi