Anon 07/05/2018 (Thu) 00:10:57 No.1616 del
I personally have found the comic and this article more interesting to read than anything from Tumblr though the only part that actually caught my interest was how they were pointing at boards for thinking wrong against their own perspective.

That´s really dangerous thinking and it reminds me a mentality of a grown up crybaby or from a One Direction fangirl teenager in which you say shit about what she likes, and she jumps onto everything else.

Anyway, the Dutch interview shows a few people around my age about how they had an spark of interest about the series and I put at smile after seeing that one of them is studying chemistry as well.
It´s far from being cringy unlike the early years of being part of the herd. The process goes as expected, at first you hide and then, you don´t care that much about it. Just act naturally as always and everything will go alright in the end.