Anon 07/05/2018 (Thu) 09:42:10 No.1624 del
>butthurt detected
you fags are so easily ruffled. I know it's been 8 years since the start of your stupid horse show, doesn't make me hate it less. I know supposedly the ponyfag fandom is dieing but let me tell you that I've been seeing it more and more in many of the places I hang. I have still seen it cameoed or alluded two in several YT videos this year by pretty major people, and ever since that whole mlpol fiasco on 4chuck I have been seeing a good bit of GR15 violations as well. So yeah i have pretty good reasons to still hate your fandumb, even if it is "dieing".

I will give you a bit of an olive branch that your fandumb is still better than furries. You know how to make some art and what I usually see of you in the wild is more eyeroll inducing than the shit I've see furries do, but you still do those things. And that isn't saying much. You still are a bunch of SJW manchildren who have to make up shit to even be interested in your little girls show. I mean look >>1610 looks great. Looks like strait outta the 2000s emo edgelord who listens to greenday. If the show had a bunch of emogoths like this than maybe I'd even be a part of your shity fandumb But there isn't any character like this in the show. There is no homicidal pony that bakes her friend into cupcakes. No action, or violence only singing there problems away. You have to make up all this crap just to justify your interest in what is a somewhat above average little girl's cartoon at best. If the show even had a little of what your guys make on your own than perhaps I could take you seriously and you wouldn't be so defensive shrills all the time.