Anon 07/05/2018 (Thu) 13:03:39 No.1626 del
>I know it's been 8 years since the start of your stupid horse show, doesn't make me hate it less.
well, get used to it, it´s something I didn´t start at the time nor I was conscious of it until 2014. Don´t put all the blame on me.

>I've been seeing it more and more in many of the places I hang. I have still seen it cameoed or alluded two in several YT videos this year by pretty major people, and ever since that whole mlpol fiasco on 4chuck I have been seeing a good bit of GR15 violations as well. So yeah i have pretty good reasons to still hate your fandumb, even if it is "dieing".
that´s because people decide whatever the fuck they want, it´s not up to this board nor completely controlled by /mlp/. It´s something that random users like and someone decides to have a pony profile in a forum instead of picking a picture of a car or anime. There was the /mlpol/ thing which ironically ended up pretty well for both sides instead of getting along badly. Nobody could have expected that and the site actually exists because the idea was successful and popular between both boards.

>I will give you a bit of an olive branch that your fandumb is still better than furries.
well, thank you for having a critical eye on something that you admit that you don´t like. I am used to reading much worse criticisms out of nowhere for no apparent reason. It´s nice to see these viewpoints every now and then.
>You know how to make some art and what I usually see of you in the wild is more eyeroll inducing than the shit I've see furries do, but you still do those things.
we have not invented those trends and yes, Derpibooru has some really sick material out there and there are artists worth of praise and recognition. I mostly post those images I like and try to prevent the cringy ones most of the time.

>You still are a bunch of SJW manchildren who have to make up shit to even be interested in your little girls show.
SJW? WHAT? What the fuck? Read this >>1607 and ask yourself this question. If /mlp/ had some /pol/fags around, don´t you think that certain part of its fanbase may be conservative or centrist?
If anything, you can call this board a cucked version of /pol/ but the fanbase is pretty far from being a socialist one save some Equestria Daily users. The chan side doesn´t fit your argument as far as I know.

>Looks like strait outta the 2000s emo edgelord who listens to greenday. If the show had a bunch of emogoths like this than maybe I'd even be a part of your shity fandumb But there isn't any character like this in the show.

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