Anon 07/06/2018 (Fri) 12:53:06 No.1657 del
>How would that work in a show where they can't hit each other and make things explode?
ah, is it impossible right? How could it possible be that there are laserbeams in this show full of rainbows? Things are not contrary nor impossible my friend. In fact, I can confidently show you there is fucked up shit from the show but don´t get used to it too much. There are darker elements especially in the recent seasons and DHX has managed to keep it for the two audiences (children and adults) to watch them in both ways. That´s the magic of it.

DBZ fight: [Embed]

The Chancellor being racist against the species, elitism of ponies above everybody else: [Embed]
Problems between the species because their children are lost(until 1:20, the rest is not necessary): [Embed]

>If it's pro commie your a fag, if it's anti commie then I'm going to shrill this show to my nephews and niece like there s no tomorrow.
more like a representation of 1984 my friend, and yes, her communistic regime fails in the same episode, the mane 6 (aka, the protagonists) do not like it at all. But that´s not until season 5. Here it´s the song. It has a creepy line that says: "You cannot have a nightmare if you never dream". True story: [Embed]

>That sounds retarded kids fair at a glance.

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