Anon 07/07/2018 (Sat) 16:12:00 No.1672 del
>how did it get started? Was it just 4cuck shitposting it into a meme than the show embracing the meme and putting scattered anime references and some deeper themes at times? That is both stupid and hilarious.
it is indeed stupid and hilarious. The way to sum it up and that everyone uses to describe this process gets reduced to this one: autism.

Yep, we use it to put things simple and not trying to explain how this has happened all the time.
It´s somewhat complicated to describe it shortly but it went like this:
>/co/ hears about MLP
>they expect its release and they are ready to laugh at it
>they surprisingly like it
>they circlejerk constantly about it
>hype it up with very frequent threads
From here, everything goes like a typical show that has some hype and has found a little niche but:
>/b/ finds it
>decides to shitpost EVERYWHERE and flood the board with ponies.
>shit goes insane
>Moot decides to ban ponies after constant shitshows and complaints
>USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST every time a pony appeared

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