Anon 07/21/2018 (Sat) 00:29:17 No.1740 del
>I imagine it's more so than I even felt during my recent encounters with it because such test require such metal concentration and your mind is not off till it's done.
nailed it. Whenever I am posting, I am just primarily focusing on the thing I am replying to until it´s finished. I don´t get how people can do several things at the same time, that´s astounding and beyond my way of taking things in life.

>although admittedly NSFW and EqG aren't my taste, but I'd be open to disusing and or any ideas that you'd have on it from a pure curiosity standpoint.
it´s simply because we are going to get doomed and those two things are what separate a lot the fandom. Take them as a challenge more than a trigger warning.
However, I am not focusing on them either yet I know that someday they will come up somehow.
My point for them is that it´s not only the idea to play with, but the way to approach them. I have said this several times, the ideas are not bad by themselves but the execution.
As for EqG, I will post some art of the characters ponified like these and it won´t make a difference. I am not planning on watching the shorts either, just maybe the 44 specials. And even then, it´s mostly fanart focus or influences of them to the show.

As for the NSFW, I am not a fan of it either. Nonetheless, I think I will experiment with it for a fic at some point with the edits in mind. That will be a personal challenge for me and I have to be really original or have a good point to give it a serious try.

The /end/ is unavoidably including them mostly because their influence are shown over the franchise and the fandom as well. My thoughts are basically about how to take them and do something useful with that material.

Shoehorned things are not likeable but if they are well done or have an appeal from what they can deliver, then it can work. For now, things are the same and they will remain that way, it´s just that if I don´t find anything or if I have no material to use, then I will look for alternative paths to take a little twist here and there.

>I meant older post as in uploads to Derpibooru.

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