Anon 11/17/2018 (Sat) 01:41:20 No.2544 del
>Me in 2016 and 18.
you cannot catch a break,uh?

>It does remind me though of my childhood things by the way you describe trying to describe it, and the fact that it is something that you would certainly hold tightly to yourself for engaging in such fantasy.
yeah, of course this daydreaming would come more from a child with its innocent mind about the fantasies built because of video games or fantastical worlds than a post teenager.
How would you explain to someone else that I daydream in a closed room with music about pony stuff?
I must say that I also daydreamed before in 2013 and 2014 about PKMN or diverse things so I have only made it more obvious and paid it off with these fics and ideas.
I cannot do that because otherwise one would call me crazy or too autistic to even consider a normal life when in fact I hide everything pretty well and very subtly as if ponies never happened in my life.

Not something to be very proud of save when you see the final result written in a fic.

>There is just something about the specificity mixed with vagueness that I really feel. A lot of things being personal. Even thinking about bring up elements that you knew about, but never even actively thought. A bunch feelngs and little tiny quirks that becomes a puzzle fr even finding the right words for. It is something deeply personnel. Even if I may not fully get it I fully get not fully getting it and I won't pry further.
there are parts that are defined by themselves yet they donĀ“t connect or make any sense because there are very extreme songs between the actions that lead into another very different thing.

I could define them and they are stuck in some songs whenever I listen to them because I have tried to puzzle them too much and that guessing game still remains even if it becomes secondary.

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