Anon 04/29/2019 (Mon) 07:03:10 No.4034 del
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PoLS today. It'll be in two or three days before I get over here do to a certain event coming up. only in the vaguest sense /pone/ related because it connects to... long ago My episode review will still come and dependent certain details some /go/ posts.

Wow I love this BO I'll reply in full later but I'll say this:

>Shining's plan, which this episode highlighted in awesome way, was an issue of implicit trust. The system is only as secure as its weakest link.
I just love this take on the episode when looking at it certain elements under a lens like this. It is an interesting way to take away from the episode that is so true. Always somebody has to be trusted and the fewer who known the better, yet keeping everyone in the dark is itself a weakness do to people being unable to react to changes in the situation on the ground and pieces of the metaphorical chess board falling out of place. When one goes into thought about such weak links it can lead to paranoia and inefficiency on the other side of the coin as well. Oh the joys of threat modeling.