Anon 10/07/2019 (Mon) 22:53:16 No.4729 del
And now, I am facing one of the most controversial episodes that has been leaked whose title even shows the word doubt in it.

The last Daring Do related episode for her arc and the whole generation: Daring Doubt.

>This one I doubted a bit.
I do not.
>I couldn't put my hoof on why.
let´s see what it is
>The whole Daring Do as a real person always confused me and me trying to apply logic to imagining how that worked in universe.
they have never explained it but it seems that her existence mostly consists in that. Maybe that´s not her flaw but part of the reason why she is so useful to introduce new plot devices (hence G.M Berrow was so interested in writing about her).

Let me put things clear: do you think that Daring Do would have been as interesting if her stories were only about her, acting as a fictional character that has no impact in the actual Equestria? I know some fans have hated the meta direction and this episode, but, what reaction would we have got instead if she was kept in the fictional territory? I am imagining /mlp/ would call her episodes "filler" and adding nothing onto the table unless someone from the real Equestria felt inspired from the books and made real life actions because of them. What did she have to offer? A parody of Indiana Jones in Read it and Weep and emulate RD´s look and style?

Not only the real life impact has been applied but also the mane 6 having an actual impact onto her stories, distorting the direction that could have been established between the "in universe" characters from that book franchise...but here´s the catch,this goes on both directions and this opens more possibilities than one could ever imagine.

What does Daring Do offer in my eyes? Sure Indiana Jones is the easiest characteristic to get from her but I see her as a disguised clever plot device that serves to criticize the clichés and play to no end with meta stories. Maybe she by herself cannot offer that much with her adventurous trope:

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