Anon 10/08/2019 (Tue) 21:08:42 No.4742 del
>I actually still see pony cameos pretty often in non brony spaces.
I am not going to deny that.In fact, we had reported that Bernie Sanders talked about ponies on TV and the fact that Magic The Gathering has released official (not photoshopped nor emulated fan content) cards in the newest deck (only 4 of them but still). So yeah, they have become more like a pop culture thing and I have seen several pony avatars out there.

What I meant with that phrase is that ponies are not the hottest thing anymore (after season 5 one would notice this), hence you don´t see cringy videos nor much drama about them after 2014/15. It has cooled down a lot and if someone has them out there, it´s because they are either fans or simply they like the designs of the popular characters.

>Woah dude I'm not willing to go that far dude hold on dude stop it dude slow down dude
I am slowing down but you don´t seem to do so with these expressions...

>maybe a little
I see

>you're somebody who needs one!
I didn´t expect that...

BUT nobody expectsThe Spanish Inquisition

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