Anon 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:47:11 No.4787 del
(263.30 KB 746x475 TheLastBlankEpisodes.png)
> This lack of forced extreme situations leaves more space for the message to shine
It did flow pretty organically. You are entirely correct here.

>I would say exemplary for its premise.
>I could raise a little bit more the score
Imagined my scale being like:
7 = okay, to good
8 = great upper 8 closer to excellent
9 = phenomenal/amazing.
However I am devided on how much I factor in personal enjoyment versus technical execution. Still trying to figure all that out so my ratings may be subject to change. But in anycase, I think this episode is excellent.

>they have aged though just that the episode (it looks like I am the advocate for the writers) has focused more on the fact that they haven´t assumed their circumstances. They have grown up and they didn´t take badly intended decisions for the problem created and they have tried to fixed it for themselves as well (other characters could have committed that mistake as well).
Ain't that major, but it is still a question I have. Arguably you can justify them acting this way and it didn't bug me that much, but I still think the CMC slightly too childish mentality compared to where their characters are and some confusion on the preteen age I thought they had them at. Do I think it's that a major problem? No, just a note I have that I could even be wrong on. In fact perhaps it could be justified with some of the childish bickering. It would require me to go through and look at other CMC episodes and consider their actions, and with whats coming up I think that my thoughts will be towards other characters to put it lightly .


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