Anon 01/04/2020 (Sat) 22:03:14 No.5293 del
watch out! We are in the big realm of chaos, let´s see how things are going over there and...

>This is the site that I erroneously remembered as Discord Daily! Worse still it's blogspot subdomain refereed to it's original founding purpose in the embrace of more loose/chaotic comment threads.
oh, it´s another place that still shows the archives to the public. It´s technically a news site, for this franchise, a huge proportion of blogs report the latest news. Surprisingly enough,neither I see enough comments for making the articles chaotic nor I get the chance to see them.

>I found it on accident while stumbling through the fanlabor wiki and old /mlp/ nostalgia threads trying to come up with a plan to archive the youtube comments (I already have done some).
oh nice. You know, I managed to get the bat pony OP because of using that method and clicking on a link for the dropbox that was posted back in 2014. The nostalgia threads are guaranteed to appear whenever October arrives for celebrating another anniversary.

>So they apperently moved to which is it's own mystery at the moment.
404 Not found, the announcement really works effectively. How can you have get a non-existent site with 27.000 members registered over there? Either the link changed or who knows.

>I remember hearing it suffered a massive drop in activity do to Discord but don't ask me what is going on there now with those zip files.
Discord Daily got ruined by Discord....besides the puns, I think that one can create a couple of memes making fun of that event. No one is safe from Discord, no one and a few channers can tell their bitterness towards its intrusion on the net. The creator has been eaten by his own product.

>More bad news is that intense debate comments maybe lost and that the native comment system hasn't been loading on older posts.

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