Anon 01/04/2020 (Sat) 23:11:38 No.5295 del
>So it really was close. Neat.
indeed, you did.

>My view was a "deck" old gravel roof. Not too high or too fancy.
well, I don´t even have that nor the fireworks would be located in a good angle for me, not to mention that they were located in specific point of my town for the most part.

>I was blown away by the amount of illegal fireworks this year. Could see stuff all across the horizon. My town probably rates lower than plain.
wow, you are lucky at that. I don´t find that rise of fireworks strange at all considering that it implied the change of an entire decade (unless someone "too smart" or "patrician" for this world comes up and post that the decade starts in 2021) so that cherry on top of this new year made it more special than usual. People obviously would go crazy and go all out for it.

>I've seen some content creators anounce the intention to stay for awhile and do ponies. It'll be interesting to see what the post FiM content will be like.
the fact that there is still interest at creating content nowadays is kind of remarkable because there is not a big amount of people that could appeal like one could do in the past. So yeah, by itself this implies interesting or experimental stuff in gen 4´s aftermath.

>I hope it'll be at least weirdly bad and therefore still interesting to talk about.
phew, you wish that Pony Life brought up memes or so bad that it´s entertaining to watch appeal. By checking Derpi´s numbers, only 625 pictures of Pony Life have been uploaded while Luster Dawn (with only one single episode) has 525 images so far. It doesn´t seem to have a very good impression for the fanbase yet gen 4.5´s bodies should be easier to draw. The content seems scarce for an announcement of this kind.

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