Anon 06/28/2020 (Sun) 00:40:54 No.6290 del
>Everyone stop and look at yourselves. You are lost in thought and blind to the world before you. You have only proven my point.
>Do you not see the state you are in? Do you not see what I have done? What you call vigorous debate I call one thing.
>Can't you see it? All of you are in an inherent state of chaos and you are all trying to put a broken bandaid of a philosophical and moral system upon it but can't have a unified front because it is being pulled in a thousand different directions.
> I reached out and talked to you and you all fell apart over the first hard question.

>Be gone from me fools. Maybe one day you will speak in a unified voice, or maybe you will finally learn that CHAOS reigns supreme upon all!
>Maybe you will one day awaken and see that truth, until than leave me to my own devices.

definitely the stars arenĀ“t going to help in this case.

Bridgefag, I am seriously wondering (again) if you had worked as a seer before you wrote this fanfic...