Anon 09/10/2020 (Thu) 23:25:09 No.6531 del
>To me this board feels alive. Like finding a hiden city. Yet it feels off. Slightly mysterious. Almost a creepy beaty.

Well, the board displays its own slow pace. No need to rush but no signs of dying in terms of consistency either. Considering that our posts don't matter out there (even by the standards of the community because there are more sites with this same format for MLP) , then the environment feels private and the tone gains some sort of familiarity after a while because you know that MLP filters a lot of outsiders to even check out this place.

The board feels off because...well, it's no wonder that you feel that way. The old (Polish) BO noticed this back in December 2017 when we both started discussing more private matters within the first NMAiE thread and he said that the direction wasn't normal, it wasn't supposed to be brought up in this place.

This board basically represents the spiritual successor of /flutter/ without speaking in Polish. It's the hypothetical embodiment of a bunch of lurkers posting at the forefront and leading the path of an imageboard, turning those passive people into active users when at heart, they have been lurking for years on other places, so the tone of those people who don't usually speak up feels so...different. The board isn't actually necessary and we could perfectly continue with other matters in case that it happens to die, because after all, it still stands as a side project.

If you ask me personally, I had (at first) one main interest for using this board back when I started my posts over here. If /mlp/ had satisfied me with that interest, perhaps I wouldn't have even bothered at trying with this place. Then, spontaneous posts happened and more ideas were arising just to liven up a little bit the place or change the tone just to keep things more varied. However, that feeling of the board shutting down (much more when Endchan had server problems back in 2018, the legendary 402 and 500 errors) was always there.

So, everything from this place shouldn't be taken as essential for the fanbase but more like an unexpected bonus because we are not artists nor truly dedicated fanfic writers.

If there is anything creepy beneath this board are the question of: what would happen if lurkers created a board for themselves; and the philosophy of posting as if every day could mean the last one in its existence.