Anon 11/24/2020 (Tue) 10:58:54 No.6887 del
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>running again he says... I find this line very funny
>but you know, what did you expect from something that is considered as a side project. You know that I use other fan sites as well, right?
>eeerm, I don´t have contract signed that says that I am compromised with this board.
Who the fuck are you? You want to tell me more about yourself other than that you're a pretentious cunt? I can just feel the smug chuckles radiating from your post as if its some kind of autistic power plant.

>Any of the users who uses this board will come and leave whenever that anon feels like doing do I. In fact, I´ve seen a couple of cases about people not even posting for months.
Well howdee-fucking-do, thanks for explaining it to me. I haven't posted in years, but this never occurred to me

>keep in mind, this board might frustrate quite a bit the impatient ones, especially in terms of fast shitposting. In that regard, /mlp/ works better.
cool, 314chan seems right up your alley then

>well, try to balance the situation then. What prevents you to create a discussion thread over there? Or something more specific related to MLP that provokes those users to leave politics a little bit behind?
If I wanted to do that, I would be. But thanks for the advice i guess.

I needed a laugh, and your self important post was just the thing to do it.

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