Anon 11/26/2020 (Thu) 10:39:31 No.6913 del
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>Nah, ever since jim stole 2ch, anything owned by him leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Can't blame ya here.

>I have some OC coming as well,

>assuming i ever get around to finishing it
Know this feel. Heck, I still have something on the docket that I was trying to get done in 2018.

>and i'll probably post it here and just shill on 8/pone/
8/pone/ is mixed on us. Some thought we were based and some thought we were complete cringe and some both, probably the truth I suppose So if you encounter any resistance that'll be why.

> I never said speed, I said consistent. As long as there's something new every day, there's a reason to come check every day.
That I have actually been aiming for and, if, IRL will allow it, I am setting up for at least posting every other day even if PoLS.