Anon 11/28/2020 (Sat) 01:25:56 No.6950 del
>Where you on here long ago? Or fandom in general?
Both, sometime around 2016-2017
>I could see him having leeway with a couple of the definitions here in a derogatory way
I refuse to believe that somebody thinks that cooking steak is smelly or gross. Not that it cant be true, I just don't believe it.

>all that shit by you
I read it but at this rate there will be nothing left on the board but this one discussion so i'll take your word for most of it and just respond to some key points.

>it feels like play-doh. I don't want to eat play-doh.
>My understanding of the cause of "gamey" tastes is exactly because of rot.
>I've tasted gamey beef hamburgers so you can't say it's the animal that causes that.

It sounds like you're buying really shit beef. I guess it depends on what amount of money you're willing to spend and how far you live from where its raised, which for me is about an hour. But markets let their beef go bad and will recolour it with food colouring. I've bought cheap steak before and there is NO way to cook it well and the only way you can do it is well done. I also find that it helps to cook it once and then butter poach it a second time just to get some tenderness back. As an alternative example, I live quite far from the atlantic, and its really difficult to get your hands on good salmon for a decent price. And just like steak, its really not great cooked properly. You have to overcook it a bit because like you said, its been quite a while since it's been caught and its been lying around, yuck.

>My understanding of the cause of "gamey" tastes is exactly because of rot.

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