Anon 11/29/2020 (Sun) 14:58:01 No.6961 del

actually, no. In fact, considering the place (and format) in which we are posting, if I had wanted to drive you away for real and with a very hostile manner, I would have used the expression that you would normally see anywhere else in an imageboard (like "kys" or "you have to go back" or "cringe and bluepilled. Back to Reddit") but I haven´t done that. Far from it, I have had to dedicate a good amount of time to the point where I found myself in a state of weariness after leaving that wall of text. Also, there is another factor here that..I wouldn´t have given you the reason at certain things (any smug channer poster could have done that perfectly). I consider certain points of yours pretty legitimate (especially the ones related to the consistency where I conceded and I even brought you reasons why you were right in that department). Hell, I am conceding several things coming from this post that I am replying right now.

What I have tried to transmit here is that I attempted to bring the full picture to you (instead of saying "lurk more", I decided to clear everything up). Now, as you and others have pointed out, perhaps I have brought it up pretty starkly (perhaps too much, although this tone of my mine is quite the same for many topics really, don´t think that I go much further than this), but at least, it prevents you from reaching a point of disappointment of what to expect. In addition, you have claimed that you have seen many imageboards die in front of your eyes so I wanted to check how your thesis works in an hypothetical scenario. The message meant to convey with this is: "Okay, let´s consider that your thesis works but you have to keep in mind X reason for such execution and this Y factor, etc.)

>I doubt he'd let it get hijacked by pony unless he was interested in it himself, which i'm pretty sure he isn't.
then 314chan cannot be considered as a pony alternative.One will have to look other places for fulfilling that role.

>You're probably right, but i'm an optimist.
well, that´s up to your desires after all. A warning before the episode of disenchantment was given by me before said event happens. At least, I have done my part of clarifying it.

>Think of it like trying to save money by shopping with coupons.
not a bad analogy. Actually I would say that one could see it like this: on 4chan, you have like 500€ as the baseline and then you have a margin of benefit with a maximum of 1000€ whereas on Endchan, you start with 30€ and then you have a margin of benefit of 5-10€ with the top 10. The margins can vary of course but one has to consider the current circumstances beforehand.

>The only hope for survival in this kind of situation is being more appealing than the competition. How do we achieve being more appealing you ask? By having a variety of new content. There is simply no other way. Well, that and advertising, and the only adverts we're getting is being on the top 10 list of boards.

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