Anon 01/25/2022 (Tue) 11:54:40 No.8123 del
> more detailed explanation
Project Pegasi
She tells the Pegasi to search all over Equestria looking for potential disasters, and they do so.
A loose contact network at most, or a just a general message for anons to post when something is happening and alert it to /go/'s attention (possibly also other places). It wouldn't be a heavy commitment other then, "hey, see this, tell /go/ about it!". At most I would maintain contacts with some people over several services in a loose network to check. Maybe with a few folks to keep track of certain problem areas.

Project Cerberus
She instructs the remainder of Ponyville's residents to "disaster-proof Equestria". Twilight oversees the entire operation, checking off items on her list as they are completed, including maintaining the dam, filling in wall cracks inside the library, topping off a water tower, reinforcing a bridge, and giving Pinkie Pie a haircut.
This is the second group I alluded to. It would be given instructions on the basis of distributed actions. Say, no one wants to spend their day archiving a website on archive today but if a dozen chip in a archive 5 pages that would helpful. Cerberus would also have a possibly have "guardian" component, hence my use of the name, to be on the lookout and potentially "act" against trouble in the fandom on a limited basis, (perhaps a "plan" if X happens, do X?") if it was organized well. This one I am more leery on and would not pursue unless some form of Project Pegasi did well and ends up making sense.

This idea was born out of the episode It's About Time and my limited experiencing with organizing users and marinating contact networks Thanks Derpi drama!

>but this seems like it would include some "third party" place/service that would have to be used right?
With Project Pegasi. No. I would at most have a specialty thread here. With Project Cerberus, _maybe_ if I did it to it's more advance form, it could need somewhere to be organized though I would still prefer a thread here. Could jury-rigged something from free webservices. At most I could see myself using a fandom services run by Twifag (owner of Twibooru) or something, like:

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