Anon 10/17/2022 (Mon) 23:02 No.8436 del
>You keep thinking I'm dancing around the topic. But I've broached the topic: it's ponies, and they're here.

With one minor plot twist: you forget that you are here as well.

>I don't want to blindly timestamp my approach with a "proof of life" -- you can guess the state of my pulse by the fact I post something topical, timely, and teetering 'twixt true and troublesome.

that combination dismantles your previous sentence (even if it doesn´t contradict it at first sight). There is a personal aura from your posts that I cannot sense anywhere else. Not all the time but that approach surely stands out as being...


>In short I'm selling ponies, and boy are my arms tired.
I see that you have become a salesman apparently without hiding that nature of yours. Right.

I´ll end my reply with this reflection of mine: do you sell them because you stay passionate towards them until you get tired? Or is it until your hands become untied?

I´ll leave it at that for now.