Anon 12/31/2022 (Sat) 16:49 No.8526 del
>That one's easy.

picking up the scarf is easy...surviving 5 years, not so much.

>Family get togethers are complicated for a few reasons, and I don't want to get into that, though I'll also point out that I've never liked the commercialization of gift-giving, so my wife thinks I'm a scrooge, though we've managed these years without actual incident.

I guess that the celebration itself is what counts the most. Not all the people that I have met out there were that prepared for this Christmas. Sometimes we wish that the masses followed our philosophy but I guess that the hardest lesson that one could is by letting others live. Said commercialization was bound to happen anyway.

>there have been attempts to interpret commander Hurricane & princess Platinum without their actresses' faces, but it seems Snowfall Frost looked exactly like Glimmypoo.

well, I guess that the characters from the fairy tale are the ones that consume the real entities after playing such roles.

>It's going to be weird, carrying this much "pony" during the second great depression.

I wonder what you mean with that last word though....