Anon 01/10/2023 (Tue) 10:13 No.8541 del
My issue had been a bit of strange one. I had two separate computers freak out whenever I did anything with the XML dump. grep, open in browser, whatever. They would freeze or get very slow and continue to do so even when I terminated program/process in question. Not even the big full history one but the smaller 4.7 MB current pages. Now, granted the most powerful computer I tried this on was a duel core Pentium desktop from 2008, but I have messed with larger files before no problem so I was really confused. Fortunately, and for whatever reason, 2006 laptop worked just fine--at least basic stuff like grep, did work.

If you have a solution to the images, awesome.

I had been looking at that. I can see they are still online:
but fandom doesn't let you simply scope up all the images from /gyropedia/images . at least at my merger skill level. So a direct link is needed. First I thought, hey, I bet the XML dump has the URLs to the images at least but (after the technical problems) I found that not to be the case.

Also looked at the wayback machine for Special:AllPages and while it was partly archived it did not have any direct image links either (though the wayback machine did seem to have a lot of archives from the site and I wonder if they have all or most of it).

>The work I have done so far
On Gyropedia, I had only downloaded one page half way when I was testing things. I hadn't gotten to it, unfortunately.

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