Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 12:27 No.8916 del
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/go/ Status and Progress Report

Been awhile from my end hasn’t it? Where were we? Talking about salvaging old wikia wikis, right?

What can I say? >>8915 life happens. It has been hard to keep up with things very well and I can’t foresee what will be next. Things have sometimes been very chaotic on my end. I am happy to see /mlp/ has gotten way more organized in archiving. Seems like Derpigate and the various purges have really woken them up. It doesn’t feel as “lonely” as it was the less the tiny handful of anons here with a half formed idea of getting YT comments (well, they seem to be getting them with as far as I can tell).

Where does that leave /go/?

I still want to continue the comment project here. I have messed with this only slightly. I suppose a priority would be just converting comments I have.

There is a whole lot of half finished projects and little scraps of things that I have started work on but never completed nor seen the light of day. I will at least dump these scraps and what stuff I have saved when time allows.

/go/'s barely born attempt at a encyclopedic format with entries >>4163, >>4189 is something that feels like it could be useful and I may still experiment with. Imageboards have unique properties and some sort of place that actives as a active archive and secondary distribution point for selected things might be really good to have around.

Project Cerberus, cool idea, might still try something, but right now I wouldn’t be the best to send off on archiving during any sort of emergency.

Gamejolt, forgot about this one too. I did do a sweep or two of it... I’ll have to check and see how much I got.

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