Anon 12/06/2023 (Wed) 08:43 No.8928 del
Different method - check what percentage of posts is greentext:
> grep -l "^\s*>" * | grep -v "\." | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $(echo $(grep "^\s*>" $args | wc -l) / $(wc -l $args | sed "s/ .*//g") | bc -l) \* 100 | bc -l | grep -o "^......" | sed "s/%/g" | tr -d \\n; echo " for $args which has $(wc -l $args | sed "s/ .*//g") line(s)"; done' _ > 1m1f1.txt; cat 1m1f1.txt | sort -n > 1m1f2.txt
>$ tail 1m1f2.txt
>88.000% for 40232552 which has 25 line(s)
>88.888% for 40264597 which has 9 line(s)
>90.000% for 40238387 which has 10 line(s)
>90.909% for 40264104 which has 11 line(s)
>94.827% for 40273549 which has 58 line(s)
>100.00% for 40222638 which has 1 line(s)
>100.00% for 40231067 which has 1 line(s)
>100.00% for 40263759 which has 1 line(s)
>100.00% for 40266710 which has 1 line(s)
>100.00% for 40289440 which has 1 line(s)
>$ head 1m1f2.txt
>3.7037% for 40264911 which has 27 line(s)
>3.8461% for 40226324 which has 26 line(s)

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