Anon 12/06/2023 (Wed) 09:15 No.8930 del
(2.73 MB 2000x2000 1580487366097.png)
So having this is nice: "{percent_of_lines_that_are_greentext}% for {post_text_file} which has {total_number_of_lines} line(s)", but it doesn't explain the amount of consecutive lines of greentext. A field which details the most consecutive lines of greentext in a post would have more info. So if the post was:
It would say max_consecutive_greentext_lines=2. Other consideration: don't care about lines that look like /^\s*>>\d+$/, which would match the next line:

Also, here's a lazy thing to filter out posts with 1 to 9 lines:
>$ cat 1m1f2.txt | grep -v "has 1 l\|has 2 l\|has 3 l\|has 4 l\|has 5 l\|has 6 l\|has 7 l\|has 8 l\|has 9 l"

>/z8/put/gd/ 3/1580487366097.png