Anon 12/06/2023 (Wed) 10:02 No.8935 del
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>$ cat 0match1.txt | perl -pE "s/^0\n//g" | head
Maybe this should be this instead:
>$ cat 0match2.txt | perl -pE "s/^0\n//g" | head

>A field which details the most consecutive lines of greentext in a post
Seems a bit hard to do. gave me bad info. picrel does the same thing as "grep something something.txt | wc -l"
>grep -E "pattern" file.txt | awk '{if (++count == 1) start=NR} END{print count}'

>especially when seething
I wasn't ever mad though.

>/z8/put/gd/ 3/1579890332639.png