Anon 12/07/2023 (Thu) 05:38 No.8957 del
(567.47 KB 2048x1874 1559325186119.jpeg)
*If it writes an empty .cdx file it means wbm doesn't have that.

Also, if it writes a non-empty file, that doesn't necessarily mean that wbm has it. For example, it might redirect to another URL but then doesn't have the URL that it redirects to.

Already saw some blank files:
>...:/z8/put/gd/$ ls -liahS
>925805 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Dec 6 22:28 16d1H92TaHGN6MxxDccawgjnOMRaJBjcl.cdx
>925960 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Dec 6 22:29 19SVMJ1lGgzOf0PKTEEhcmyyjfwo6DDJC.cdx
>925954 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Dec 6 22:29 1bypyGhaT_QuMJTyJOXxNvEBTUIZAs1G8.cdx
>925959 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Dec 6 22:29 1cyHw1rliue2_83KeecMcKOLvhfF2F4oc.cdx
>925975 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Dec 6 22:29 1DXCGEfDLva5d8tXdPjIkXiX2EHMwekIR.cdx

Nevermind, those 5 Google Drive file IDs are all in wbm. Empty files due to connection refused or some other error. Picrel from
>= /z8/put/gd/ Filly/IRL Filly/1559325186119.jpeg