Anon 12/07/2023 (Thu) 06:00 No.8958 del
wbm doesn't have some files which I have which are timestamped as sometime after 2021-09. For example, this ~5GB file:
>{"Path":"Animation XFL 36-49.7z","Name":"Animation XFL 36-49.7z","Size":5524402209,"MimeType":"application/x-7z-compressed","ModTime":"2022-03-21T14:10:20.000Z","IsDir":false,"ID":"1GCFBzCfDwRYZRibvgHn5mdGCwTLW2Rif"}

Can't save that to wbm due to it being >2GB, but maybe in the future I'll upload it to or something. Can run this to check on connection refused via ctrl+f later - not the most easy method to check if a download is OK, but it works:
>$ cat 0_google_drive_file_ids_newline_delimited.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; torsocks curl -L$args > $args.cdx; done' _
("curl -L" instead of "curl -sL" which is silent)

>/z8/put/gd/ Filly/Safe Filly/070F0818B6C040F65BFB2E9F2DE006E4-153637.png
>/z8/put/gd/ Filly/Safe Filly/08A7968BBBA9D9F1FD41B70BDD90CC5B-239260.png