Anon 12/07/2023 (Thu) 09:37 No.8961 del
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Have a couple more things to say, actually.
>Synchronized Rewatch Thread >>6985' is now launched for real. Details here: >>8889
5050 will be happy about that.

>A more formal bunker maybe set up at some point later or organized post destruction depending on circumstances (that hopefully never will come or at least be at a point when we are better prepped).
Probably should, (depending on what... yeah, I think that is CB's right?) plans are. I could see him wanting to maintain it as a continuation of 8chan's /pone/. Though frankly, any stranglers of /pone/ and /endpone/ should probably try to stcik a little closer together, in spite of differences in posting culture, /pone/ and /endpone/ do share some blood and /endpone/ is sort of the last focal point that still is fully "alive" in this region of imageboards, even if I hold out hope that /pone/ can come back with CB's determination in holding down the fort.