Anon 12/07/2023 (Thu) 15:53 No.8963 del
So that's where you went. This is certainly an interesting development. Looks like I'm back to lurking on this thread too after months of being away.

Do try to keep your posts to more long-form responses as said in >>8933. A slow board gives much more time to form well structured responses that wouldn't be feasible otherwise (and you won't have to do bump posts as you've mentioned). Or at least combine a few shorter posts before sending. It helps for anyone unfamiliar with the work being done.

Now for the general post. What I particularly liked about /go/ as an outsider was more focus/discussion on fandom representation and how archival can be done within that context. I know there hasn't been much of that in a while, but hoping for some more! Not very fond of data hoarding for the sake of hoarding.