Anon Board owner 12/07/2023 (Thu) 23:53 No.8966 del
Well this thread certainly has been active since I was here last.

Howdy, I am bidgefag, BO of this board.

I am still trying to get a wrap on what you are doing. You are working on Google drive, correct? I don't know what you are doing with these posts. Lots of snippets. I would like to understand the workflow with those. I don't mind more frequent updates and you don't have to be always perfect. (as our own scattered postings of our own findings, and code updates can attest too) but leaning more long form with a bit more organization would be helpful. Completed scripts and lists wouldn't hurt over scattered parts. If that is applicable to what these snippets are anyway.

Yes, you got the attributes of the board pretty spot on.

>Woah, every time I forget about /endpone/ there is a huge explosion in activity.
Yeah, get this.

I wouldn't call it strange from what I've seen, just more adapted for keeping a thread bumped on a relatively fast moving board.

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