Anon Board owner 12/08/2023 (Fri) 00:13 No.8967 del
>Looks like I'm back to lurking on this thread too after months of being away.
Welcome back and...

>What I particularly liked about /go/ as an outsider was more focus/discussion on fandom representation and how archival can be done within that context. I know there hasn't been much of that in a while, but hoping for some more! Not very fond of data hoarding for the sake of hoarding.
Yeah. That has been always one of my personal concerns. Not only with the whole, but the context behind places, seems like while art and fics are being saved what it meant to whom isn't always. As stuff like the comment converter and some of the more reflective ramblings will attest. I didn't feel like /go/ ever fully walked on two legs and ot it's act together on it (getting distracted with crises and then IRL stuff for the contributors here a lot) with that but of anything that is something that have been thinking in the back of my mind with: >>8916
>/go/'s barely born attempt at a encyclopedic format with entries >>4163, >>4189 is something that feels like it could be useful and I may still experiment with. Imageboards have unique properties and some sort of place that actives as a active archive and secondary distribution point for selected things might be really good to have around.
Could also in a more history and memories in context. Taking about it a little and sometimes diving in. Need to gather my materials on a old obscure fangame to show what I mean of what that might look like.

The anon who organized it did have a drive and enthusiasm to him, albeit his clashing with current 8chan's/pone's BO (and one the major posters here, CB) over trying to start something there from the ground up and fresh with random anons from /mlp/ didn't help earn him any favors from me, even if I am not sure I consider it so much out of malice and more so of over enthusiasm and ignorance over the ground they were treading on. Same goes with my personal interactions with him at the bunker.

A very libertarian board like he wanted wouldn't survive on its own without OC or some very special thing to it, because there is so many boards that while, not 100% that, are close enough on their own.

Still, RIP, sad to see any place die.