Anon 12/08/2023 (Fri) 08:46 No.8977 del
LOL, nice - "[PMV] South Park Intro":
(I saved this to my per-page level-one warcs folder)

It's a 2012 video which was deleted sometime this year.
>This video is not available
A link to youtube/watch?v=rkotPONLxO0 w/title+description showed up from a DuckDuckGo search (Bing index), so that speaks to when it was deleted.

Gotta remember to do this: change queue file "../0_queue_id_[number].txt" in that command each time I set that URL list to be saved to wbm via So write to a new queue file when the previous queue gets sent to submission. PNG from
>.../overcast07-wayback-machine-spn-scripts-31d6bf1$ grep -i first 6log1.txt

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