Anon 12/08/2023 (Fri) 23:59 No.8983 del
(47.51 KB 600x150 sersys-maud.jpg)
It's finally happening. Ponychan is shutting down January 7th:

I wasn't going to spread it around too much in case they hasten the date due to offboarders swarming the thread, but given how much Ponychan has been previously discussed in this thread, I think everyone here should be given ample time to do whatever archiving, research, etc. they need. If you do reply in thread, don't be antagonistic. (I say this because I know at least one person that might do this. Please try not to.) We really don't want to see them prematurely go dark.

There is also some talk of recovering Gyropedia in there, something I believe has been done before but without images. I know that there was some work on Gyropedia in this thread too. >>8537 >>8540 >>8541 Would appreciate an update to that, especially with the images.