Anon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 09:42 No.8996 del
Goodness! Wasn't the most found of that community but I didn't hate them either. This still personally haunts me just because ponychan was always one of those places that always was there. Even if it's influence had certainly waned and it was a drama filled bloodbath a lot of the time, I did have some positive interactions in the past with people that were from there and not everything there was bad. Ponychan was still important to the history of the fandom.

>Would appreciate an update to that, especially with the images.
As for the status,
Never heard back from this anon. A lot of stuff happened in life that personally knocked me off track and I need to dig out where I even put everything from those attempts.

>Speaking of Ponychan, I appreciate posts like >>4085
Thanks, I had wanted to try to create things like basic timelines and establish a few objective facts as best as could be. Though I do think this thread could've still done a little better in attempting not dive into personal and speculation in a couple of spots with it. Albeit, with that site it was a minefield.

Glad it was added to there.

One of our banners is a edit of this banner. More of poking fun at the fact with the memes around our mascot being a long pony. which we were doing before it became a meme elsewhere. Albeit ours was based on her being a bridge. I bring it up because now even this old banner while now bare a touch of a place that is in the past and that haunts me as well.