Anon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 10:02 No.8997 del
(122.32 KB 600x600 OldClassicVector.png)
>bash one liners
Eh, while I still think things could benefit for a little organization, right now we in crisis mode and I know things can be a little disorganized. Your posts aren't too different from us in the pasts when dealing with stuff:
just quicker than we are used to. E

>open source
>Endchan is powered by MEME GOD DB and InfinityNow, a fork of Stephen Lynx's LynxChan engine.

>I could also upload "My Little Pony Trading Post" there (roughly 150GB, currently on two HDDs of mine as src+backup). isn't shutting down AFAIK, but I could upload it as a batch of "vintage" or old fan sites.

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