Anon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 10:31 No.8998 del
(480.48 KB 1280x1024 3426.png)
I know this feeling. Some periods stick with you but others can be a haziness where a simple screencap or note of your day can feel like a small nugget of gold.

>I wish I could see those old threads and stuff that I participated in, or maybe somehow talk to the anons/whoever that I talked to back then. Guess I should have kept better track of threads that I was in in Ponychan all those years ago.
Can relate, though was more of a lurker on places. I did have the mind to save some stuff but it was very scattered and incomplete. A CD with random PMVs here, a old USB with a a couple of low resolution rips from a youtube channel around no longer. That sort of thing.

>Writing a post now on basically the same setup, not laggy for some reason.
That is endchan for ya sometimes. As lurker said here >>8933
> The software is pretty hacked and sometimes not fully functional with some broken and half finished features. It has vastly improved from the old days though.
another thing to not: only spoiling all or none of the images. (at least last I checked,) It is one of the only things here I'd still describe as truly annoying. Still, site is far more functional than the old days when we would have all our images disappear and outages for several days at a time.

Oh, and also, to lurker:
>(we? I am a lurker who posts here sometimes)
Yes, in my book you count.