Anon 12/10/2023 (Sun) 19:43 No.9026 del
> I was thinking it was crap because the OP of /go/ said to not make drama posts, which can also be off topic or not getting any work done

hence why I would relocate such topic over here.

However, the thread would itself not to become as strict as it was announced back then. Mostly because we had no idea how it was going to pan out.

Ironically enough, users and OP himself have already made posts over there that tackle said matters if they happen to be related to them. Given the recent changes for that thread and the unexpected relevance that it has gained, especially due to the recent events, I don´t blame such sudden shift in the philosophy. Nobody had a clear idea how to approach it.

> Takes a while for me to complete some things, sometimes due to reasons outside of my control.

well, they do indeed take some time. Actually, everything does. Who´s telling you to put the blame on you whenever outside factors come into play? Those are expected to happen at some point.

> If I do finish current objectives, there's still lots of things to do.

you sound like me. If you hold on to such philosophy, you may not get such awaited sense of fulfilment.

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