Anon 12/11/2023 (Mon) 05:02 No.9030 del
(665.46 KB 600x338 SunsetThinking.gif)
>Now I do. It only took roughly one day!
Nice, /)

>Wasn't rejected

>"sudo apt install cargo" then "cargo install htmlq" then optionally add it to path via 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin"' in .bashrc or whatever. Didn't feel like using htmlq due to needing to install something else. Here's what I got:
Yeah, I don't like extra layers and layers of package managers and I am "old fashioned" myself. Pip, NPM, gems, or on the more universal end, flatpaks and saps. I just prefer plain old apt or compiling from source in a few instances.

>green text dection system
I haven't found anything either.

Are you making a full feed analyzer and downloader and just trying to perfect the greentext part? At least what I take from this post: >>9027

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