Anon 12/12/2023 (Tue) 02:01 No.9033 del
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>Where does that leave /go/?
Not where you thought it did.

Reading this post, it sounds like you were picking and choosing what to focus on in order to keep some part of the thread going after your IRL stuff and were going to put in a bit of time in what you could. Now I say you shouldn't give up on stuff like, Project Cerberus. Even if your internet and time is limited, there is several eyeballs on this thread now and YT's feed analyzer feels like something that short be looked into further (along with a potential network of anons manually looking around).

> do find it impressive and you added a lot to the concepts of what was just a vague idea on mine and another anon’s part
Seconded. I'd be cool for him to show up again.

> fandom representation and how archival can be done within that context. I know there hasn't been much of that in a while, but hoping for some more! Not very fond of data hoarding for the sake of hoarding.
I want to further elaborate on this as well. (not that anon, but the lurker anon here:8933) I think that was something that /go/ has been kind of alone on from what I have seen. Archiving is useful and needed, but, it isn't telling that story. Just ensuring someone can. For as big and expansive this fandom has been it seems like that no faction has been that good at it and usually it has been insular to a few parts. The social media side and the viable elements are what get the most of the attention but at this point are pretty tiny compared to all the average users of the forms and websites that are still moving along. 2012 brony documentaries don't capture it.

Same goes for the online sections, there is some reminiscence of old times that anyone can share in but it is a very fragmented story. Fimfiction alone has two or three different cliches that would give different accounts of what the site is and was like at different points. /mlp/, it's impact has been great and I don't think they should be discounted, but they can be arrogant and too self centered at times for reliable histories on everything. A lot of smaller places existed with there own context and take on things simply and slowly faded away in a whimper.

Speaking of storytelling: this post L23, I think?, >>8194, >>8195, >>8196 impresses me. The analytisis attempt is fine enough but anyone who had been on the Fan Site Alternative thread on /mlp/ at this time had known that the thread was a mess of constant mud slinging between which booru was the best and pure defeatism. I hope to see more of posts like these as well.