Anon 12/15/2023 (Fri) 16:29 No.9052 del
I know I made some IPFS-related posts before ITT, guess I should include some explanation as to what it is:
>IPFS is an open system to manage data without a central server
>IPFS is a global, versioned, peer-to-peer filesystem. It combines good ideas from previous systems such as Git, BitTorrent, Kademlia, SFS, and the Web. It is like a single BitTorrent swarm, exchanging git objects. IPFS provides an interface as simple as the HTTP web, but with permanence built-in. You can also mount the world at /ipfs.
>[Wikipedia:] The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a protocol, hypermedia and file sharing peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. IPFS uses content-addressing to uniquely identify each file in a global namespace connecting IPFS hosts.[4][5] \\ IPFS can among others replace the location based hypermedia server protocols http and https to distribute the World Wide Web.[5][6][7]

Made it into a simple script (still gotta put a couple things in .bashrc):
- various updates, incl.: doesn't delete anything anymore, only moves a file and a folder
- todo: python rewrite (maybe); better hook than "Qm...", like "/ipfs/Qm..."
- after "$ chmod +x", run: "$ ./path/to/ /path/to/repo/.ipfs /path/to/base/datetime.txt /path/to/index.txt "/path/to/file_to_add.jpg" "/path/to/base/File_title"

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