Anon 12/16/2023 (Sat) 04:17 No.9061 del
(229.03 KB 567x600 DoloresRocket.png)
>Reading this post, it sounds like you were picking and choosing what to focus on in order to keep some part of the thread going after your IRL stuff and were going to put in a bit of time in what you could. Now I say you shouldn't give up on stuff like, Project Cerberus. Even if your internet and time is limited, there is several eyeballs on this thread now and YT's feed analyzer feels like something that short be looked into further
>Same goes for the online sections, there is some reminiscence of old times that anyone can share in but it is a very fragmented story.
More on this next thread. Which I will make in a day or two.


>Just use grab-site. It writes WARCs I have some preferences for messing with wget and others in the interest of saving space but I certainly will check it out.

> I'm glad they did that. Otherwise my wiki and many other's wikis which are now deleted would have been deleted with barely any public backup.
As I became antiquated with over the past two years. I knew of wikis that were just deleted without much of notice for arbitrary reasons.

>It is an ongoing concern, and probably many images weren't saved.

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