Anon 12/16/2023 (Sat) 21:05 No.9064 del
(107.52 KB 1280x720 zEdmap8c7kc.jpg)
>22my%20little%20pony%22/page/2/">, searching /pol/ for "my little pony" - you can only see 1000 results per search, which is 40 pages. (7250 total results from that search as of 2023-12-15T23:12:49Z.) searches: applies rate limits, at least they did months ago., searching /mlp/ for whatever - you can see a max of 5000 results per search, which is 200 pages. Linked from that "/mlpol/ search":
>* - "Kids shows mock us... In my little pony, they live in a would if thousands of years old traditions, friends from childhood stay friends forever, families are together, food is organic, things we cant have. They are rubbing it in our faces, notice when the future goes wrong in MLP FIM they show imagery of a highly industrialised society with food being highly processed in a desaturated miserable society, just like ours."
>* [some thread about making certain Boomers watch MLP]
>* - bot bait
>* - "My Little Pony Almost More Popular Than Pornography in Russia", 2016-01-13
Also, LOL /pol/ ( ):
> Anonymous ID:IZXF6uwb Wed 29 Nov 2023 03:39:38 No.450293557 Report
>[...] I would be a good dictator.
> I would deport all the jews to israel, then nuke it.
> make all drugs legal
> all guns legal.
> any illegal that commits any crime gets automatic death penalty by firing squad.
> any nigger caught niggering will be crucified.
(text copied from lynx browser)

2018 video not in TPA - "Emerald Eyes (feat. Relative1Pitch) (Remastered)" (autogen by "4EverfreeBrony - Topic"):

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